Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Here I am failing at this blog stuff again. There aren't many things going on in our lives currently. I planted a garden this year since we have plenty of yard space at the new place. It is growing fast and nicely! I will try and post pics of some of the pics when we harvest. We have several trips planned this summer the first of many being a trip to the mountains in NC for a Messianic Music Festival called AMF. Then we are going on a cruise on the first of September to the BAHAMAS with my parents and a few Aunts and Uncles. Congregation Mayim Chayim is doing great and we are thankful and loving where G-d has us currently. We are looking forward to what G-d is doing there. If you are interested more than that visit our website at The kids are growing fast. Natanel will be 2 in October, can you believe it 2! And Elyana will be 4 in January. We haven't started planning any thing special but I'm sure there will be cake lol. Well that is about it. I guess I will have to post more later, but never the less, we are alive and kicking in Alabama.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Things Change BIG time!

I know that it has been awhile since I wrote anything on here but now is the time to update it.

A lot has happened since my last post. We left our synagogue family in Thomasville GA to begin a new journey in life. And although it was a sad time for us, we believe G-d is doing great things through the situation. We miss our family there very much and pray for them daily.

We have moved to a (very) small town in Alabama called Silverhill. We have started a synagogue, through an already existent work in the area, called Congregation Mayim Chayim (Living Waters). Although the shul is new we are already being blessed by it. We are growing so much that we are already in search of a bigger place to hold services and we are seeing G-d move in so many areas in peoples lives, including our own. We are making new and lasting friendships while also reconnecting old ones because we are very close to our hometown.

On another subject, Natanel will be one year old in just a few weeks (October 21). We can not believe how big he is getting. It seems like yesterday we were walking around Cherokee Lake in Thomasville GA to get him out and now he is ALMOST walking himself, boy how things change.

Elyana is almost three and she is such a great big sister. She helps mommy and daddy with Brother so much. She loves Dora (dooda as she calls it) and Princesses! And she has these cowgirl boots she just will not take off! (which her daddy loves NOT!)

Has for me and David, we are hanging in there. Believing that although he took us from Thomasville, we are following him with everything we have and that is what matters the most. Some although things change, one thing remains the same: God has us, he love us and will not forsake us, NO MATTER WHAT!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

TIME TO PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!

On January 8, 2011 my sweet Elyana Lirona turned two years old. We can't believe we have hit this mile stone. With this begins the potty training and the attitude fits. But we love her just the same. Her birthday fell on a Saturday, the Saturday after the Rabbi's conference. We had to drive my mom home to Mobile, Alabama so at Oneg that day we had a cupcake and a song for Elyana and a party for her on Sunday in Mobile at Pete's Party Castle. It was a blast. Elyana loved the toddler area and the castle both. It was also great because it didn't cost to get in and the only cost was the food and tokens. She enjoyed herself so much. We might just go back for the enjoyment factor. Thank you Jennifer Lane for the perfect Dora cake. It was great.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Well...It's been awhile since I posted anything at all to this blog. I promise I will try my hardest to be better at blogging and keeping everyone up to date on us.
Now on to the latest things happening here in Thomasville GA. Well first off, a lot has happened since I wrote last starting with....

We have had ANOTHER baby. We named him NATANEL BEN-AMI TOKAJER which means "Gift of God Son of my people." He was born October 21, 2010 at 5:57AM. This time there was NO bed rest, actually he was two weeks late. He is great and is already two months old (where does the time go). Elyana loves her baby brother very much and is only a little jealous at times. We are enjoying being a bigger family while at the same time not planning to have more for awhile.

Another big thing happened around here too. We moved into a bigger and better apartment. The apartment we had just wasn't working out. Our power bills were running extremely high and we just couldn't afford them so we moved into a different complex and all in all they have been GREAT! It helps that one of the maintenance men go to the shul and takes great care of us.

We just returned from the SE regional conference and had a blast. I wasn't sure how it was going to go with such a new baby but it went great, thanks to all the support and help I got from David and my mom. Everything went smoothly and we are going back this weekend for the IAMCS Rabbi's Conference.

We have been here for almost TWO years and the people here have definitely become like family to us. Although we do miss our Shuvah family dearly.

I guess that is enough rambling for now. Hope you enjoy the pics.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This past weekend David and I drove to Alabama with the main reason being that a friend of ours was coming into town from Texas. We hadn't seen him in more than 7 years. So we were there mostly for that but while we were there we did also spend time with my parents. We both enjoyed playing with my dad's bike. I even rode it (I hadn't rode in about 10 years). I decided that I would post pictures of Elyana sitting on her papaws motorcycle...she even automatically grabbed his shoulders, like she thought she was gonna ride the bike like mom and dad did...We really enjoyed this weekend but have decided that we are not going to be traveling west again for AWHILE....

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I know its been awhile since I posted anything new on here, but I really wasn't sure what I should/could write about...Our lives in GA have been going GREAT! We bought a new sectional sofa. It is soooo much more comfortable than the futon we had in Nyack, we love it!!!

Elyana has her first two teeth. Man was that an ordeal. She would cry for hours when they were coming in, I was constantly giving her baby Tylenol and baby Orajel to help with the pain. And just when you think its over two more start coming in. Which is what I believe is happening now. She is getting so big, the other day she was laying on the couch with David and she got up on all fours and just about crawled...Would you believe that Elyana is almost ready to start crawling? It feels like yesterday I was stuck on bed rest and here she is getting teeth and almost crawling, Where does the time go?

In addition to all these things David and I (and Elyana) went to Colorado for the PK/R2J rally in Denver. It was fabulous, we both enjoyed it very much. Although, Elyana did decide to run a fever Saturday morning which made it less enjoyable for a minute but she quickly recovered and I made it to the rally in the afternoon. My favorite part of that whole trip was seeing the Colorado scenery for the first time. Because I waited til the last minute (and my flights were a gift) I had to take a red eye at 12 am to get back to GA (with Elyana) I thought it was going to be horrible BUT although I was tired, it was the best!!!

I hope to get you all more updated!!!! Thanks for reading my forever ramblings!!! Until next time....LOVE YOU ALL

Monday, July 13, 2009


The last weekend of June, David and I along with my Mom and Dad, made a trip to Iowa. Along the way we stopped in Illinois to visit with the family there for a day. We also picked up my two nieces. My brother and his ex wife joined us in Iowa for the family reunion. It was a okay weekend, but it was a lot of driving for JUST a weekend. I had a ton of fun seeing my family though and I wish I could have stayed longer with both sides. Here are some pics of Elyana on the trip.